Metal decor


The use of metal details in the interior is something that comes more and moreH&M Home have now many pieces in their collection and here is a bit of news. Available to choose in both silver and gold. 

The tall candlestick, and the hook is very nice I think. But if I choose one, I would have chosen the hook:) 

What do you think of metal details? Do you have something at home now, perhaps?:)


Att använda metall detaljer i inredningen är nåt som kommer mer och merH&M Home har nu en del i deras sortiment och här är lite av nyheterna. Finns att välja i både silver och guld.

Den höga ljusstaken och kroken är väldigt fina tycker jag. Men skulle jag välja och köpa nåt av dem, så skulle jag valt kroken:)

Vad tycker du om metall detaljer? Har du nåt i hemmet nu kanske?:)


  1. I'm not crazy about metals, actually. But if I were going to choose something from that collection, it would be one of the candlesticks.

    1. I have nothing in metals home right now. But if I would get something it would be something small:)

  2. I love the look of the metals, but I don't have any in my home. I do like that hook, though!

    1. Me eather, but the hook is really pretty:)

  3. Replies
    1. I don't own anything in metals, but the hook is really pretty:) Thanks for stopping by!
