What I heart this week

Thought it might be fun every Sunday to do a little summary of what I most enjoyed about the past week:)

* On Monday, when we complete the purchase of the house and we became homeowners. Great feeling! 
* That I have getting started with this blog. 
* Isabelle's birthday celebration. 
* That Isabelle has stopped using pacifier.

This is what I am most happy about what the week has been offering and it is very good stuff, I must say:) 

What are you most happy about from this week?


Tänkte det kunde vara kul att varje söndag göra en liten summering för vad jag mest tycker om av veckan som har gått:) 

* I måndags när vi avsluta köpet på huset och vi blev husägare. Härlig känsla!
* Att jag har kommit igång med den här bloggen.
* Isabelles födelsedagsfirande.
* Att Isabelle har slutat med napp.

Detta är det som jag mest är glad över vad veckan som varit har erbjudit och det är ju väldigt bra saker måste jag säga:) 

Vad har du varit mest glad över från denna vecka?


  1. Your idea to do a Sunday Summary is a fantastic one. I'm happy that I've joined several blog and page boosting groups to get my blog off and running. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a blessed day!

    1. In that way I can look back and think about the positive things that have happend.
      To use social media and joining groups really helps:)

  2. Thanks for the reminder to stop and be grateful. It's so important to focus on what we appreciate as opposed to what we are struggling with. Thank you again for the reminder. Today I am grateful for my supportive friends and family and this beautiful summer weather!

    1. It is easy to focus too much on the negative things, but it is so much better to think positive:)

  3. Thanks for your comments on my blog via Facebook UBC! ( http://masabicou.com/charros-event-saint-hilaire-de-brethmas/ ) I had a busy week and have so much to be thankful for. Hopefully next week will be even better!

  4. Ah- well done for dwelling on the positive!
